SEARLE - One Name Study of the SEARLE Surname in Australia
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3 generations
4 generations
5 generations
Hector Alick Searl
Frank Amos Searl
Ada F Searl
Eddie Searl
Frederick William Searl
(1896 - 1951)
Amos Searl
(1869 - 1961)
Elizabeth Gilson
(1871 - 1946)
William Searle
(1839 - 1928)
Mary Ann Partridge
(1844 - 1939)
George Gilson
(1840 - )
Ellen Searle
(1842 - 1912)
James Searle
(1820 - 1900)
Sarah Hills
(1818 - )
Richard (?)
Elizabeth (?)
James Searle
(1820 - 1900)
Sarah Hills
(1818 - )