- (?), to (?), Easter
- (?), Edgar to (?), Hannah
- (?), Hannah to (?), Martha
- (?), Martha to (?), Rachel
- (?), Rachel to Addison, Valerie Mary
- Addy, (?) to Austen, Travers Searle
- Austin, Edward to Batum, Rupert Alma Searle
- Baty, Euphemia to Board, Sarah Sophia
- Bock, Alexander William to Brooks, Thomasine
- Broown-Rennie, Phyllis Nora Theresa to Caisley, Edna
- Calaghan, Elsie Agnes to Cheer, (?)
- Cheetham, Doris E to Colley, Mary A
- Collidge, Elizabeth to Cropley, Percy Edmund
- Cropley, Phillip John to Dean, Winifred Mary
- Deans, Sarah to Duffell, James
- Duffin, Della to Eshman, Percy Searle
- Ethel, Elizabeth to Forster, Selma Searl
- Forsyth, Alfred Neville to Gilbert, William
- Giles, Alfred J to Gray, William Henry
- Greaves, Albert Ernest to Hanna, William Edward
- Hannabuss, Jane to Henderson, William
- Hendriksen, Grace Annie to Hope, Sarah A
- Hopgood, Elizabeth Jemima to Jackson, William Edward
- Jackson-Hope, Beryl Elaine Jackson to Julian, Samson
- Junes, Charles Henry to Koch, John
- Koellner, Ethel Sarah to Liebich, Venie May
- Light, Annie to MacIvor, Mary Ina
- Mack, Allan William to Mayoh, Searle J
- Maytum, Agnes to McPhie, William
- McQuade, John Leslie to Morgan, Richard George
- Morgan, Sarah to Nicholls, William Hodges
- Nicholson, Allan to Page, Searle Edward
- Pagett, Elizabeth to Peters, Mildred Careton
- Petersen, Annie Bella to Quesnell, Harold Horace
- Quick, Cecilia Jane to Roberts, Thelma Margaret
- Robertson, Alexander to Ryan, Valda May
- Ryder, Ellen to Seal, Anne
- Seal, Anne to Seal, Emily
- Seal, Emily to Seal, James Andrew
- Seal, James Gatland to Seal, Marjorie
- Seal, Marjorie to Seal, Samuel William
- Seal, Sarah to Seal, William
- Seal, William Albert to Seale, George
- Seale, George to Seale, Mavis Margaret
- Seale, May to Seales, Elizabeth Mary
- Seales, Elizabeth May to Seals, Elizabeth
- Seals, Elizabeth to Searl, Elizabeth
- Searl, Elizabeth to Searl, Joseph
- Searl, Joseph to Searl, Unnamed
- Searl, Unnamed to Searle, Alfred
- Searle, Alfred to Searle, Ann
- Searle, Ann to Searle, Augustus
- Searle, Augustus to Searle, Charles
- Searle, Charles to Searle, Denise Rhonda
- Searle, Dennis to Searle, Eleanor
- Searle, Eleanor to Searle, Elizabeth
- Searle, Elizabeth to Searle, Emma
- Searle, Emma to Searle, Florence Lydia
- Searle, Florence Marjorie to Searle, George
- Searle, George to Searle, Hannah
- Searle, Hannah to Searle, Henry
- Searle, Henry to Searle, James
- Searle, James to Searle, Jane
- Searle, Jane to Searle, John
- Searle, John to Searle, Joseph Alezander
- Searle, Joseph Augustine to Searle, Lorna Alice
- Searle, Lorna Beatrice Phyllis to Searle, Mark
- Searle, Mark Alexander to Searle, Mary
- Searle, Mary to Searle, Mervyn John
- Searle, Mervyn Maxwell to Searle, Phyllis Ruth
- Searle, Phyllis Vera to Searle, Rose
- Searle, Rose to Searle, Sarah Elizabeth
- Searle, Sarah Ellen to Searle, Thomas
- Searle, Thomas to Searle, Walter Roy
- Searle, Walter Samuel to Searle, William
- Searle, William to Searles, Anne
- Searles, Annie Elizabeth to Searles, John
- Searles, John to Searles, William
- Searles, William to Seiffert, Derrick
- Seigel, (?) to Serle, Mary
- Serle, Mary to Shoesmith, Mary M
- Shone, Florence Ruth to Skinner, Myrtle
- Skinner, Searle Thomas to Stalbeck, James
- Stam, (?) to Symes, Winifred Victoria V
- Symonds, Florens Tevedora to Towill, William Ernest
- Towner, Anne Seale to Waddington, June Eileen
- Wade, Charlotte to Webb, Walter
- Webber, Frances Lillian to Williams, Searle Cuthbert Walivin
- Williams, Searle Cuthbert Walwin to Young, Myrtle Alice
- Young, Olive Louise to Zunker, Albertine Wilhelmine Augusta