- (?), A to (?), Emma
- (?), Emma to (?), Martha
- (?), Martha to (?), Winnie Helen
- Abbot, Dorothy Evelyn to Ashmeade, Leslie Frederick
- Ashworth, Alfred Herbert to Bartlett, Trevor Royce
- Bartley, Charles Keyser to Bisman, Keith Warren
- Blaber, Norah to Brennan, Veena M
- Brent, Gladys to Burns, Peter
- Burr, Doris Rita Nell to Cator, Susan
- Catt, Hannah to Coles, Rita Winifred
- Coller, Priscilla to Crannis, Kenneth
- Craven, Anne to Davitt, Owen
- Dawborn, Annie Townsend to Drew, Unknown
- Drewe, Ada Beatrice to Ellis, Sarah
- Ellis, Sarah Mary to Fisher, William
- Fisk, Julia to Gallagher, Sydney Cruickshank
- Galloway, Florance Beatrix to Gosper, Roland I
- Goss, Annie to Haley, Mary A
- Halfacre, Mavis Amelia to Hartnett, Richard John
- Harton, Fanny to Hill, William Henry
- Hillard, Edna Joyce to Huggett, William
- Huggins, (?) to Johnson, Sevilla
- Johnson, Sidney Newman to Kilner, James Stuart
- King, Alfred George to Leavy, James Joseph
- LeCoag, Mary Frances to MacGarry, Ellen W
- MacGregor, Margery to Matthews, Thomas Phillip
- Maudsley, Isabel to McLintock, Maribel
- McLoughlin, Margaret Mary to Moore, Walter Edward
- Moores, Ellen M to Nelson, Ruby M
- Nelson, Samuel to Onus, William Townsend
- Orange, Feodore Jul to Peters, Mary
- Peterson, Florence Charlotte Emily to Prideaux, Elizabeth
- Prier, Rhoda Mary to Richardson, Thomas Vivian
- Richardson, Tottenham Leo to Rudan, Thomas
- Rudgley, Harriet Margaret to Shanahan, Michael
- Shanhun, Stephen Wayne to Smith, Eileen Emma
- Smith, Eilly Alison to Stehr, Mary Kate
- Stein, Mary Jean to Swain, Mary F M
- Swan, Alexandra Maude to Timms, William Ernest
- Tindale, Ada Eliza Maria to Townend, Margaret May
- Townend, Margaret R to Townsend, Adele B C
- Townsend, Adele Baretta to Townsend, Alice Foster
- Townsend, Alice I to Townsend, Annie A
- Townsend, Annie Adelaide to Townsend, Bessie Louisa
- Townsend, Bessie M to Townsend, Charlotte
- Townsend, Charlotte to Townsend, Donald J
- Townsend, Donald James to Townsend, Edward
- Townsend, Edward to Townsend, Elizabeth
- Townsend, Elizabeth to Townsend, Emily
- Townsend, Emily to Townsend, Ethel Mary
- Townsend, Ethel Mary to Townsend, Francis
- Townsend, Francis to Townsend, George
- Townsend, George to Townsend, Hannah
- Townsend, Hannah to Townsend, Henry
- Townsend, Henry to Townsend, Isabelle
- Townsend, Isabelle Dorothy to Townsend, Jane
- Townsend, Jane to Townsend, John
- Townsend, John to Townsend, Julia
- Townsend, Julia to Townsend, Lionel
- Townsend, Lionel Becher to Townsend, Margaret Ada
- Townsend, Margaret Alice to Townsend, Mary
- Townsend, Mary to Townsend, Mary Lavinia
- Townsend, Mary Lillias to Townsend, Nellie Ellen G
- Townsend, Nellie Estelle to Townsend, Raema Frances
- Townsend, Ralph to Townsend, Ronald
- Townsend, Ronald to Townsend, Sarah Frances
- Townsend, Sarah Frances Hedges to Townsend, Thomas
- Townsend, Thomas to Townsend, Vivian Mary
- Townsend, Vivian T to Townsend, William Alfred
- Townsend, William Alfred H to Townshend, Ann
- Townshend, Ann to Townshend, Leslie Wallace
- Townshend, Lillian Josephine to Townson, Frederick
- Townson, Gary Thomas to Trotter, Raymond George
- Trottman, Louisa to Walters, William
- Walton, Alice Emily to White, Florence May
- White, Frederick Alfred to Wilmot, Thomas James Townsend
- Wilmott, George to Young, Willoughby T
- Youngman, Donald Albert to Zurvas, Robert James